I am…

There is so much power in these two words, ‘I am’. And what comes after those words makes a huge difference!

The ‘I am’ in your mind, determines the ‘I am’ in your life. 

God can create someone wonderful in you, but if you don’t believe it and start speaking it, your feet won’t start walking in it.

Walking out of the sanctuary after church on Sunday, I ran into two friends. Both of them are successful musicians. It’s Nashville, most people in this city are famous for something. My two friends asked how I had been doing.

I was honest about the sadness in my heart. The enemy has been persistent in pummeling in all parts of my life. My day job is piling up projects (Thank you Lord for a job!). And on the side, I’m struggling to perfect a book proposal for agents and publishers, with less than two weeks before the pitch. This could change my life… No pressure.

One of my friends looked at me and said, ‘your day job is what pays the bills, but that’s not who you are. You are a writer. You spend your mornings and nights writing, that’s what writers do.’ He learned this from his friend Bill Conti (I’m a bit of a buff at film scores, enough to know Bill did the Rocky movies. When my friend said Bill Conti, I was all ears!).

I realized in this moment, yes, I am a writer! I write most days and when I’m not, I’m heart on papersearching the deeper parts of my heart to prepare for the next time I do. No publisher or agent can take that away from me, even if my project doesn’t get the support I want.

I love how Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). His life was already determined for greatness, just like ours. And here He’s claiming it! I am the way…

These words are powerful!

I couldn’t get home fast enough on Sunday to update my online profiles.

Where do you work? Writer, at trishakeehn.wordpress.com and I’m working on my first book.

I recognize I am so many other things as well, but just wrapping my mind around this truth has taken the pressure off my proposal project. As the minutes tick-tocked their way to sundown, I spent the rest of the Sabbath basking in God’s presence.

So who does God say you are? If you don’t know what God has created you to do, pray for Him to reveal that. Let me know you’re praying and I’ll pray with you… there is power in prayer when we petition in numbers!

If you do know what that is, I would encourage you to see yourself in it already. Take those small steps and claim victory in it! Just because you haven’t reached your end goal, doesn’t mean you haven’t already achieved the title. Starting is half the battle.

Maybe you’re hesitant to tell others about this dream. Maybe you hear the enemy criticizing your confidence saying, ‘you can’t’.

Well, my friend, remember the enemy doesn’t come after anyone who’s not a threat. If you hear his fear trying to make you too small or your dream too big, chances are you may be close to claiming it! Soldier on! I am…

About trishakeehn

wildly talented. adventure seeker. passionate about Jesus, people & life. coffee drinker. determined. writer. idea generator. I enjoy reading, films, music, family, friends, and food; I thrive on honesty, self-awareness and answering hard questions. I am a faith-filled, big thinking, bet-the-farm risk taker.
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